Pesticide Notice
Annual Pesticide Application Notification (PAN)
The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires all California school districts to notify parents or guardians of students with the pesticides they expect to apply during the year. In keeping with this State requirement, we are notifying you of the pesticides we may use in our schools.
The date, time and chemical to be applied is posted at the front door of each site 24 hours before and remains posted for 72 hours after the application. The District will establish a list of parents or guardians who may want to be notified of any pesticide application in advance. Although not required, if you wish to be personally notified, please send us your contact information by one of the following means:
E-mail: If you prefer to be notified by e-mail; e-mail us with the student’s name, school site, email address and your name to
U.S. Mail: If you prefer to be notified by U.S. mail; please mail us with the student’s name, school site and your contact information at:
Alta Loma School District
Attn: Maintenance Pesticide Notification
9390 Baseline Road, Bldg. B
Alta Loma, CA 91701
It is our intent to not expose students to any pesticide at any time. Prior to applying pesticides, alternative measures will be considered, such as improving cleanliness of areas and removing other sources that may attract pests.
You can find more information regarding these pesticides and pesticide use at the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s web site at
If you have any questions, please contact us at (909) 484-5151 x102084.