Alta Loma Elementary has a well-organized, active PTA board dedicated to child advocacy and supporting the school as partners in education. The board meets monthly to plan the many events sponsored by PTA to include all families. There are family fun nights with dinner and fun activities.
All parents are encouraged to join PTA and become a parent volunteer at school. Each classroom has room parents to support class events and many other volunteers are needed to help with picture day, vision and hearing, book fairs, holiday store and the student store. There are two major fundraisers each year in the fall and spring. Money is used to provide assemblies, student activities, incentive rewards, and to supplement school needs. School spirit items are provided at cost to help all students participate in becoming a team member.
The Parent Teacher Association exists to:
Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship
Raise the standards of home life
Secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth
Bring into closer relation the home and the school; that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth
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