*Please check this page regularly for updated information and events.
Student and Family Resources
Below is a list of agencies and entities that has been compiled for the convenience of the families of our students. The list may be neither complete nor exhaustive. ALSD assumes no liability for the quality or appropriateness of the services provided by these groups. Interactions with these agencies or entities will be done solely at the risk of the user, who bears responsibility.
Please access the following links for helpful resources.
Dial 2-1-1 United Way or 1(888) 433-7665
(dial 211 from any phone to access services)
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Free and confidential information and referrals for: Food, clothing, shelter, counseling, crisis services, health and dental care, elder assistance, veterans and much more.
Student Resources
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
Crisis Text Line: Text "HOME" to 741741
LGBTQ Hotline: 866-488-7386
Teen Line: 800-852-8336 or text "TEEN" to 839863
California Youth Crisis Hotline: 800-843-5200
Foster Youth Resources
Foster and Homeless Youth
California Department of Education, Foster Youth Services: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/pf/fy/
California Department of Social Services, Foster Youth Ombudsman Office: https://fosteryouthhelp.ca.gov/
Counseling Services
House of Ruth - 909-988-5559
Child Abuse Hotline - 800-540-4000
Child Protective Services (CPS) - 800-827-8724 / 909-384-9233
Child and Family Services (CFS) - 909-945-3762
House of Ruth - 877-988-5559 / 909-623-4364
General Assistance
Eileen's HOPE Chest - 909-985-0966 Ext: 2416
Rancho Cucamonga Resource Center - 909-477-2781
United Way, Mt. Baldy Region - 909-980-2857
Emergency Food and Shelter
American Red Cross - 909-481-2835
Catholic Charities Ontario - 909-391-4882
Community Action Partnership - 909-723-1500
Foothill Family Shelter - 909-920-0453
Inland Valley Hope Partners - 909-622-3806
Mary's Mercy Center - 909-889-2558
Pacific Lifeline - 909-931-2624
Salvation Army - 909-986-6748
Veronica's Home of Mercy - 909-888-9064
Additional Resources
Department of Public Health - 800-782-4264
Department of Behavior Health - 909-381-2420
Suicide Prevention Hotline - 888-143-1478
To apply for Cash Aid, Food Benefits and Medi-Cal Online visit:
Inland Counties Legal Services, Inc. - 909-980-0982
Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board - 909-984-2254 ext. 114
Rancho Cucamonga Family Resource Center - 909-477-2781