Transitional Kindergarten

Alta Loma School District offers a Transitional Kindergarten program for students who fit the age requirements. Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two-year kindergarten readiness program. Transitional Kindergarten aged children benefit from exposure to developmentally appropriate environments and learning strategies that enhance their emotional, social, and academic skills. Transitional Kindergarten provides the opportunity for children to be better prepared to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
The Kindergarten Readiness Act was designed to help ensure that for students who qualified, a year of kindergarten readiness would provide a strong early start to help children read proficiently by the third grade- a critical milestone that predicts whether or not a student will graduate from high school. This legislation changed the requirements for Kindergarten entry from 5 years old by December 2nd, to five years old on September 1st.
All students beginning Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1. Four year olds who turn five between September 2, 2025 and September 1, 2026 are provided an additional year to prepare for Kindergarten by attending Transitional Kindergarten.
Transitional Kindergarten classes are being offered at ALL ELEMENTARY school sites throughout the district. Registration will be available on our website on February 3, 2025. We encourage you to register as soon as possible to secure your child's spot in the Transitional Kindergarten Program.